Letters from supported charities
We have received many words of thanks from our donations and I will share the responses here:
Middlemore Foundation
details of the appeal that the money is going to can be found here
From Womens Refuge:
I have just received a phone call from Maria of WR who was almost in tears about our offer of funding for them in “these trying times”.. I explained what we did & how we felt for them during this difficult period.. - Mary-Ann
Also from Maria
Dear Members
On behalf of South Auckland Family Refuge and the women and children who use our services, we would like to thank you for your monetary donation of $2,500.00 donated to our Refuge on the 14 April 2020.
We are overwhelmed by the generosity of people such as you who respond so magnificently to the needs of women and their children affected by family violence.
We would not be able to continue this much needed service without the support from the community.
Thank you once again
Kind Regards Maria Peleti
Red Cross
Red Cross obviously made the right decision to not go ahead with our Street Appeal in March, but it did mean that we were unable to fundraise.
That’s why donations like this make such a difference – especially now more than ever.
Your donation goes to help fund the work we have been continuing to do throughout lockdown.
Deemed as essential services, our Meals on Meals service has been delivering around 11,000 meals a week, whilst our Migration programme has been providing regular check-ins with more than 350 former refugee families across Aotearoa.
We have also translated the Ministry of Health's COVID-19 messaging into 15 different languages.
Our Disaster Welfare Support Teams have been working in their communities, delivering medical supplies from pharmacies to vulnerable people.
Other actions of help include assisting helping health professionals at community-based assessment centres, sharing safety messages and providing resources to support emotional & social wellbeing.
Whilst our Restoring Family Links service has been helping connect people internationally who have lost contact with family members due to COVID-19.
RED ( Rotarians Experiencing Distress)
Thank you so much for this, I think that's a great idea to redirect the money like that, we are very grateful.
Emergency Response Kits ( ERK's)
Thank you Ravinder – your donation to Rotary NZ World Community Service for 3 x ERKs will be very much appreciated.
Cyclone Harold has caused significant loss in the greater Pacific Islands recently and ERKs have been distributed in Vanuatu, Fiji, Samoa and the Cook Islands. As we have positioned ERK stock in several Island locations, people most effected by the cyclone were receiving ERKs soon after the cyclone had passed. The smiling faces of the Islanders tell the story. We know that ERK donation monies are well spent.